This photo of a court bill is something that Mormon leaders had said for years did not exist. There are numerous web sites on the net by both Mormons and non-Mormons which discuss this in varying detail. Interest in this comes from it being evidence of Joseph's first time in court. (Amazing that a man who started a religious movement which includes in its creeds 'obeying the laws of the land', would spend as much time in court, or running from the law as Joseph.)
First Joseph is called a 'Glass Looker.' In Joseph's case this refers to his method of treasure hunting. This is where Joseph would put a rock (Seer Stone) into a hat, then pull the hat over his face, then tell people where they could find the treasure. One mormon I spoke with likened this to a modern day metal detector- seemed a bit of a stretch to me. If Joseph could have proven he could actually find treasure he would have been found innocent. Unfortunately for him, despite people believing he could do so, no proof surfaced. The judge then ruled from the bench "guilty." This was a criminal conviction that routinely leads to jail time. The next step was a Court of Special Sessions. This would give Joseph a chance for appeal. Because he was only 19, and it was his first known offense, he was given "leg bail." In other words just leave and never come back to this county. Joseph chose the "leg bail" and was still charged with court costs listed. If a judge feels a defendant is innocent, he routinely waves the court costs. Joseph was told to pay up.
Problems for Mormons:
1. The method used by Joseph in this con artist scheme is the same method he translated the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and the way he recieved most of his revelations. That is the rock in hat/hat pulled over face trick.
2. Since this happened after he was 19 it means he was found guilty of being a con artist after his alleged visitation with holy beings. Now different answers over time are given to who these holy beings are (angel, Jesus, or Jesus and the father).
3. Joseph was actually found not innocent in a court of law. This totally goes against the grain of what most Mormons have been taught.
4. Though Joseph had a chance to clear his name, he avoided doing so.
5. Joseph told the judge he would stop doing this, made his "eyes hurt."
Next we will look at the "First Vision(s)."